Thursday, March 15, 2012

jillian micheal punya tips

from google+

Jillian Michaels  -  Yesterday 6:06 AM  -  Public
‎3 Tips to help you be less hungry:

1) Eat 5 walnuts or 8 almonds before a meal (roughly 65 cal) to stimulate production of cholecystokinin, a hormone that slows your stomach from emptying so you feel fuller much longer.

2) Brush your teeth frequently – at least 3-4 times a day. Not only will this give you a great smile and keep your breath fresh, but you’re much less likely to want a snack after brushing your teeth.

3) Limit yourself to 3 bites of anything you crave then wait 15 minutes before taking another bite. This will give your body a chance to register the satiety & curb your cravings!

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