Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Signs of Potty Training Readiness

Signs of Potty Training Readiness
How to tell when your toddler is ready to potty train and tackle the toilet

• You're changing fewer wet diapers. Until the age of about 20 months, kids pee so frequently that expecting them to control their bladders is probably unrealistic. But a toddler who stays dry for an hour or two at a stretch — and occasionally awakes without wetness — is physically ready to take the next step.
- yep.. definitely fewer but unpredictable during nite time

• Your child's bowel movements are predictable. Whether he has a BM in the morning, after meals, or right before bed, a regular rhythm will help you anticipate when to pull out the potty — and thus boost his likelihood of success.
- yep.. usually in the evening

• He broadcasts bodily functions. Some children happily announce when a bowel movement is about to strike ("I pooping now!"). Others communicate through less-verbal means — say, by retreating to a corner or producing a preemptive grunt. No matter what the signal, if your child shows he's aware of his body's functions, he's ready to try them out on the potty.
- yep.. he's always said 'ai yakk' after the first came out

• He despises dirty diapers. At some point, most toddlers go through a (fleeting) stage when they're averse to personal messes — they're bugged by errant crumbs and sticky fingers, and yes, eager to escape their soiled nappies as soon as possible. This is a golden opportunity to kick off the potty-training period because for the first time, your child dislikes his stinky diapers as much as you do!
- sometimes only

• He's able to perform simple undressing. When nature calls, the potty won't be of much use unless your child can quickly yank down his trousers and pull-ups or underwear. Similarly, girls should be able to hike up their skirts in a flash.
- can take off seluar and diaper

• He understands bathroom lingo. Whether you prefer kid-friendly jargon like "poop" and "pee" or formal terminology like "defecate" and "urinate," it's important that your child understands and is able to use the family's words for bathroom functions and any associated body parts.
- yes.. i always them him if i want to pee or poo so that he can copy me too!

• He demands a live demonstration. If your child has toileting on the brain, he'll want to see how the experts (read: his parents) do it. So don't be surprised if your child follows you into the loo to have a look.
- no demands yet but never want to show how. better ask his cousin to do it with him

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