afiq tak cukup makan? or minum? @ kedai atok?
cicik tade kat kedai semalam. only atok and nenek yg jaganya. pergi hantar 4 bancuhan, balik tinggal 2 bancuhan extra. from 7am to 6pm? only consume 12 oz of milk? i suspect less than that because i see there were 2-3 oz left in the bottle kat belakang. poor afiq. did afiq consume bubur yesterday afternoon? and tinggal sikit yg tak habis adalah madu 3 oz. bila masuk keta, afiq cried, when i give him the left madu..he drinks it like haus sgt. how long have they not giving him drinks? oooo mmmm gggggg i feel very sad when i think about it. did afiq really eat well? diaper pun tak berat mcm biasa.
when i talk about this to my dh .. he snaps back at me. very sensitive one when i complaint about his family. am i very overprotective to my baby? it is normal to worry much about him? it shud be normal la i think. i'm his mama.. i should be worry about afiq. what kind of mama wud i be if i'm not worried about him, about what he consume, whether he eats or not, whether he had enough sleep, whether he is having a good time or not.
afiq: yg nak main ngan dia ramai, ramai sgt.. yg betul2 jaga dia, sapa????
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