Saturday, November 29, 2008

3 new fitted diaper

semalam barusampai 3 lagi cd. this time beli fitted pulak. sebab pe.. afiq is a very heavy wetter. actually i bought 5. the other 2 is too besar. so i gave to faris and fahim anak che no. malas nak beli saiz infant. sebab dia saiz 4kg-10kg. berapa lama la sangat afiq buleh pakai saiz tu. skang ni pun dah 9 kg rasanya. tapi tgk besar la pulak. sgt besar untuk afiq.
so i bought this one. tiny tush Organic One-Size Fitted
original price RM81.00, sale RM60.80

pstu kita beli yg bulat-bulat tu.
Kushies basic : from RM 33.00 sales RM 16.50
Kushies classic : original 47.00 sales RM27.50
loveybum sherpa RM 75.00 sales RM63.00
tiny tush os fitted RM78.90 sales RM59.20

yg brand kushies tu yg bagi anak2 achik. sales.. buat amal. bg je la. malas nak claim kat derang.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sad Sad Sad

afiq pergi genting bersama atok and nenek and cicik. oooo.... tak syoknye rasa. sebab afiq dah pergi berseronok dulu sebelum pergi dengan mama and baba.

afiq tak cukup makan? or minum? @ kedai atok?

cicik tade kat kedai semalam. only atok and nenek yg jaganya. pergi hantar 4 bancuhan, balik tinggal 2 bancuhan extra. from 7am to 6pm? only consume 12 oz of milk? i suspect less than that because i see there were 2-3 oz left in the bottle kat belakang. poor afiq. did afiq consume bubur yesterday afternoon? and tinggal sikit yg tak habis adalah madu 3 oz. bila masuk keta, afiq cried, when i give him the left madu..he drinks it like haus sgt. how long have they not giving him drinks? oooo mmmm gggggg i feel very sad when i think about it. did afiq really eat well? diaper pun tak berat mcm biasa.
when i talk about this to my dh .. he snaps back at me. very sensitive one when i complaint about his family. am i very overprotective to my baby? it is normal to worry much about him? it shud be normal la i think. i'm his mama.. i should be worry about afiq. what kind of mama wud i be if i'm not worried about him, about what he consume, whether he eats or not, whether he had enough sleep, whether he is having a good time or not.
afiq: yg nak main ngan dia ramai, ramai sgt.. yg betul2 jaga dia, sapa????

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

mlm tanpa tembus

fuhh malam tadi succeed pakaikan afiq cd without leaking. yes the frshbot aio fitted cd dah tak leaking. tapi tak pakaikan sepanjang mlm. kesian kat beberd dia. kalau lama sikit pakai diaper naik rashes and merah2. overall i'm quite happy with the performance. he drinks quite a lot jugak, 3 oz of my bf. 4 oz of soya milk, before tidor i filled him in with biskut-1 1/2 with milk. so i wear him the cd with thai insert at 7 near 8 pm then change blueberry minky with hemp+insert combo at 12 am.. then 6 am dia bangun pagi. terus je tukar dispo untuk dibwk rumah mertua.
today i bekalkan afiq 2 pair of cd for cicik to try it on him. i hope she will put it on him later. i dont expect my fil to pakaikan dia cd. dia bubuh dispo pun boleh leaking (tu 1st time.. dia ingat mcm pakai seluar.. longgar yg amat, skrg maybe ok dah kot).
this morning pam susu baru dapat tak sampai 1 oz. nanti kul 12 nak kena stimulate lagi.
harap2 berjaya laa misi ini...

Monday, November 17, 2008

mind controls body or body controls mind?

afternoon session. huhhh. only a few bf came out. kalau masuk tekak pun rasa ciput je.
they said its okay if u only pump air only. lama lama my body will think i need to reproduce more. its demand meet supply concept. more demand, more suppply.later on the body will undertand that it need to supply more milk. aiyoo.. isn't supposely mind control the body? how on earth would the body know that it need to do something. same like eating. the body gave signal base on regular process. then minds controls it. if mind said i'm fasting today.. so the body will act like normal coz they know its fasting but still requesting for food. then about going to the toilet. yes mind have no control over that but they still can ask the body to wait for a while i need to do something 1st. thinking about it again makes me think that mind and body sometimes do not cooperate well. like when afiq on1st-2month, i think i produce lots of milk. but my body didn't think so. and makes my mind believe that there is not enough milk in my body.
i think i must learn how to control my own mind so that it fits the need of my body and how to make the body listen to mind. and..
how to make body and mind control each other wisely.

BF MISSION: get those milk back!!

Im on a mission. nak start pam semula and nak banyakkan semula bm so that afiq can enjoy his night time with my milk. this morning 6.15-6.30 expressing milk- 2 oz.. ( sebab afiq tak nenen this morning. he's at opah's house so byk la sikit hihi) then 10 am - 1 oz. this afternooon.. nak express milk lagi. then sebelum balik.. kalau sempat. sekali lagi.
today..been browsing the online store for this jamu (this picture). if i want to buy this have to wait until end of this month when dah gaji. my money dah almost finish spending on cd for afiq.
eeee.. have to stop this madness. got to stop buying cd. then for next month i'm targeting to buy waterproof bed pad from bumble bee at little whiz. they are having sale on that item only RM28.90 from RM47.00. how much less is that. must grab one. but have to wait. wait until next week 26th baru gaji kuar. for now have to be patience. patience and patience.
then next month also have to control myself not to buy more cd. u know what last friday went to putrajaya and buy another 4 cd. but only 2 i kept another 2 give to ke'no. i dono whether my mission to produce more milk will succeed or not. oo my target would be get back those 6oz yg i dah pernah achieve dulu. that was per day huh. target has to be realistic so bila achieve boleh target for more. ummm bila la nak start mission save 1000 per month pulak. uuuu.. have to study saving money more. and must commit to this mission 1st!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

uuuu lambat lagi

uu this morning lambat lagi arrrr. this time bukan sebab terhegeh hegeh siap. sebab bangun lambat. 6.40 husband kejut. selalu kita kejutkan dia. pagi ni dia pulak yg kejutkan. hahaha tertido balik lepas tutup alarm. afiqnya bangun banyak kali. dia dah bangun kul 4 pagi tadi. bfkan dia tak cukup. topup ngan fm. 6 oz. maka terlebih banyak pee la pagi td. bocor la cd dia. saja pakaikan cd thai and bubuh insert satu je sebab planning kul 6am nak tukarkan dispo diaper. dah terlajak tido. uuu basah.. balik ni nak jemur and basuh tilam dia. nasib baik harini tido umah opah. esok planning nak tido umah maklong dia kat putrajaya. baba tade- gi langkawi.. bawak anak yatim. uhh program umno dia la tu. so mama dah buat planning nak jumpa member kat putrajaya. ahahah. sambil tuh boleh collect cd kat sana. beli cd thai lagi. uhuhu. yg ni beli untuk dia pakai waktu siang.. di kedai cicik.
tadi ebay baru jek email. dia kata barang yg menang bid dah shipped out. fuhhh.. harap2 selamat la sampai ke rumah mak.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Datang kerja lambat :-(

hari-hari lambat! tiap2 pagi terhegeh2 bersiap nak pegi keja. bangun kul 5.15 pun kuar kul 7 bangun kul 6.30 pun kuar kul 7. tinggal lagi bila bangun kul 5.15 tu byk bende yg boleh buat tanpa rasa tergesa-gesa. breakfast pun sempat. tapi yg herannye apsalla tak buleh kuar kul 6.45. mesti terbabas sampai kul 7 gak. kuar kul 6.45 keta kurang sikit. kul 7 kalu. 2-3 minit je habis kat junction nak cross. very big difference. then bila dah lambat tu apalagi rempittt menuju highway. habis RM3.60. kalau awal.. jalan ipoh-kuching-duta tu clear lagi. 30min pun buleh sampai.


Laporan Kedatangan Anda Pada

Isnin 10/11/2008

Tarikh Laporan Dikeluarkan

Selasa 11/11/2008 10:00:00 AM

Nama Pegawai


Nama Penyelia

ahmad bkhtiar bin jamburi

Status Kehadiran

Datang Lewat

KLIK link berikut untuk memberi alasan dan mendapat kelulusan daripada penyelia anda


Anda perlu mendapatkan kelulusan daripada penyelia anda mengenai status kehadiran ini sebelum 8 hb Disember 2008. Kegagalan berbuat demikian akan dikira sebagai satu kesalahan

Berjaya pengaruh achik and ke'no pakaikan cd

hari minggu haritu berjaya pengaruh ke'no untuk pakaikan cloth diaper utk anaknya fahim. pergi umah mak.. saja bawak yg saiz besar punya. drybees AIO. and bawak spare utk afiq coolababy yellow color. last2 dua-dua bagi kat fahim. sebab nak galakkan derang cuba cd.
hari senin 10/11 2 keping cd sampai lagi. kali ni addresskan kat office. so mak tade la nak bising2.. byknya bende kamu beli kat internet. hahaha. dah terok punya addicted kat cd. sekrang I dah clearkan duit kat maybank2u so that i wont make a purchase anymore.
tapi dalam pada tu dok place a bid nak beli coolababy kat ebay. hari ni tamat bidding dia. kalah la ada org outbid. menyampah!
and kat ada org nak jual 2ndhand cd.
then dok query kat lampinkain.blogspot 3 keping cd thai.
what happen to me? apsal la tamak semua nak rembat. huhhh entahla

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

on cloth diaper part II

Semalam dah sampai 2 lagi drybees from mia bambina. oo comelnya cd ni. cuba lagi pakaikan frshbot aio fitted. this time with thirsties diaper cover. bocor juga..this time kat depan pulak. i just discover that
rupanya afiq still on size M. tgkla dia pakai size L. besar sangat. sampai kena lipat kat pinggang tuh. Lepas pakai cd semalam afiq berpeluh2. mungkin agaknya berlapis2 mama dia bubuhkan. iyelah. so far tak pernah success lagi pakai cd without changing it in the middle of the night. masa pakai dispo pun suka tukarkan tgh mlm. agaknya dia rasa tak selesa sebab basah. harap2 malam ni berjayala pakaikan sampai kul 6 pagi. malam ni nak cuba pakaikan blueberry minky.
Atok and opahnya tertanya2 apalah yg mamanya order. hari2 asyik datang je courier. tu namanya hari2 asyik shopping online. takpe next time nak hantar barang kat opis pulak. then next month hantar kat rumah pulak. so takdela obvious asyik menghabihkan duit je. haha. eh sekrang tgh sale la. tu pasal la dah gila shopping.

Monday, November 3, 2008

afiq on cloth diaper

Just now baru je spent RM144.80 to buy another cloth diaper for afiq. uuu mia bambina tgh sale sekarang. 10% on drybees and wahmies product. masuk harini dah beratus duit habis beli cloth diaper. sejak ada anak ni dah pandai beli brg online. naik ketagih pulak.
tapi sejak beli cloth diaper ni makin ketagih nak beli lagi and lagi and lagi. sebab every cloth diaper yg jual tu is so cute.
dah rasa confident pakaikan afiq cd ni. tu yg lagi rasa nak beli dan lagi dan lagi. last week baru je beli cd one size kat lil danzel. habis jugak lagi dekat nak seratus. sebab beli insert dia byk2 sekali. saja nak try brand lain-lain.
so far sgt puas hati baik pakai brand us punya or thailand punya or china punya. tapi yg kurang puas hati lagi ni pakai yg malaysian punya: frshbots AIO fitted yg berharga RM39.00 satu. apsal la afiq pakai bocor. takkan la pakai 2 jam dah bocor. do i need to wear it dgn diaper cover?
btw doesn't he looked cute on this diaper? this one china punya coolababy. beli dekat one nice lady kat putrajaya yg happen to jual cd online jugak. i ada survey kat ebay ada jual sekali lambak coolababy 12 piece dengan herge yg agak considerable. maybe oo maybe if i get my husband permission i nak beli byk2 pastu jual online mcm that nice lady tu jugak. hahaha.. bukan nak makan bisnes org.. tapi nak wujudkan good persaingan. kalau tak laku.. afiq buleh pakai. ahahah.

setiap kali pakaikan afiq cd, dia mesti angkat kaki tinggi2 mcm ni. tak tahu kenapa.. best kot?