how time flies so fast.
i still feel young but my look doesn't show that way.
aku pergi kedai.
budak kedai tu panggil makcik (oke lah makcik since my niece pun dah beso 18 thn)
aku gi bank.. budak yang jaga kaunter tu.. belum panggil makcik la tapi dia tanya kenapa akaun tu ada duit pencen ke? uikss setaraf ngan warga emas plak ke?
aku main bola tampar. ada campuran kategori. then for veteren punya category this blind man but celik asked me to masuk jadi veteren. WHAT???? do i look that old?
i dont feel old.
my playlist is dominated by kpop music. especiallly bing bang
big bangggg |
my extra time is filled with main games.
raging thunder |
salamander guru and the shadow gang |
i like watching cartoon with my kids.
upin dan ipin |
kenapakah aku di makcikkan?
mungkinkah kerana kulit mukaku tak tegang?
dressing old fashion kah?
gemuk kah?
tak bermekapkah?
spek mata makcik kah?
kekaleran bajukah?
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makciknye aku ye... |
but then.. you know ur getting old when...
- u no longer like fast food as ur lunch/dinner. tak mengenyangkan. minum petang saje2 bleh la..
- ur body aches. at so many places. lutut, tangan, kaki,
- u dont like the way kids write these days. iteww, hebad, ak as aku, oh my spelling!
- frens are not ur priority anymore. its ur kids, ur family, or ur parents,
- u see teenagers bergaduh dengan kawan pasal hal kecek je and said hek elehh.. pasal tu pun nak gaduh.
- u dont like carbonated drink like u did when u were young.
- u appreciate life more than u did before.
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