Monday, December 5, 2011

3rd one cancel her flight off

3rd one.
we happy to hear you coming but we redha u cancel it in this early stage.
at 9 weeks...
mama spotted a bloody show yesterday but hoping everything is okay. mama thinks she is too stressfull about the wedding tapi macam birthday partay je because kanak2 dok atas and the food is bihun and nugget and goreng-gorengan. mama is very upset because the arrangement is made by baba. yes of baba can arranged fo us to seat at tempat biasa but no.. he said kids will interrupt the majlis. i observe the one at the kelas atasan os for their family yang memang bawak budak kecik dan ada bibik so they.. i repeat THEY can layan the tetamu without worrying that THEIR kids might interrupting the majlis. us tetamu of course can seat kat bawah. even if they give us the table at the back also can do what.
but forget about that because mama is not upset about that any more. majlis dah berlalu. lantak la. poor nuri because wan also insist to sit kat atas. end up he also dont eat enough.
yup. enough bout that.
dr norliza said she stop growing at 5 weeks. haha.. 5 weeks baru nak happy about the new arrival but she stops there. i assume she because of the tanda that adik zarin will be girl. so be it boy or girl i just call she.
so what about my morning sickness? why does it happens if she dont even grow? god knows.. only god knows how it happens. why it happens. all i know it all happens for a reason.
now mama have to do DNC again! ala.. dnc again? again?
hope mama will be fine and really hoping that my factory will/ can operates well. i dont want something bad happen to it.
ya allah.. aku redha diatas pemberianmu ini. semua yang berlaku ini ada hikmah disebaliknya. god knows. and we are hoping the best. we hope to get the best.. so ya Allah, tuhan yang maha kuasa memberikan hanya yang terbaik untuk kita.

bye bye 'baby 3'.

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