This picture was taken pada suatu petang di waktu maghrib. Biasanya dia akan lepak dekat2 ngan kita waktu sembahyang tapi aritu dia missing. tgk2 dia duduk tersepot di meja sambil mencurik makan ketiau yang k.egie masak... pedas lak tuh. selamba je dia makan. nasib baik tak bawak turun pinggan tuh. kaca. and nasib baik tak pecah.
My baby has turn to 14 mths today.
at 14 mth afiq:
1. suka baca buku. i bought him buku pasal animal and my body, he loves the animal book and keep asking me to read to him over and over again. when i read to him, he wud be sitting on my lap and keep pointing to the animal picture.
2. knows part of his body. knows where his mata, hidung, mulut, rambut, tangan, belly button, kaki, and when we ask where his perut.. he will selak his baju and show off his perut. cute!
3. can make the sound of lembu. cemana bunyi lembu? mmmmmmmmm... with no 'u' sound.
4. Loves to walk and run with mama and baba.
5. still loves to play with the key and knows where the keyholes shud be. ntah pape kunci dia belasah kat mana2 pintu.
6. still tidor menyelit between us. haha